
Please contact me if you are unable to access published texts; I am happy to share personal copies.


Despard, E. (2021). When it comes to tiny gardens, we need to think big. Asparagus Magazine.

Despard, E. (2020). A bereft gardener turns to music to soothe. The Tyee, November 6, 2020.

Despard, E. (2019). The year of seeing green. The Hopper.  July, 2019. *Nominated for Best of the Net anthology*

Despard, E. (2017). Tiny houses, enormous statement. Rabble, October, 11, 2017. *Selected for inclusion in Rabble’s twentieth anniversary anthology, appearing spring 2021*

Despard, E. (May 25, 2010). Investigating the role of media and processes of mediation in the Blake Garden. Blog of the University of California Berkeley’s Blake Garden. 

Despard, Erin (2008). Imagining the future. Le Panoptique.

Despard, E; Emmett, M. and Jamin, Y. (2007). The social dimensions of do-it-yourself environmental solutions. Le Panoptique.

Despard, E. (2006). Role models? Think again. The Globe and Mail, February 18, 2006, F9.

Despard, E. (2005). Performers rebound creatively from injury.The Georgia Straight.

Despard, E. (2005). The Pleasures of Back Pain. The Tyee. 


Despard, E. (2022). Grow Plants, Change Your Life. A series of artist postcards about the art of propagation. With Regina de Guzman, Hannah Myers, Holly Schmidt, Jingzhou Sun, Alex Swanson, Lori Weidenhammer, Karen Yurkovitch and UBC Botanical Garden.

Despard, E. (2021). Plant Propagation for the People, Volume 1: Seeds. Self-published zine, with architectural drawings by Jingzhou Sun and illustrations by Kathleen Gros.

Despard, E. (2021). Plant Propagation for the People, Volume 2: Cuttings. Self-published zine, with architectural drawings by Jingzhou Sun and illustrations by Jenna Brienza.

Despard, E. (2021). The tomatoes between us: Notes from a slow ride across a socially distant city. Self-published zine, with illustrations by Hannah Myers.

Despard, E. (2016). Selected indicator species for variations in Glasgow soil. In Alex Wilde and Daniele Sambo, Eds. Soil City (Glasgow UK: The Open Jar Collective).

Despard, E. (2010). A garden for the future: Excerpts from a field guide in process. Public 41: 142-146.

Kellhammer, O. and Despard, E. (June 2010). other gardens. An exhibition with the Mobile Media Gallery


Despard, E (2021). Interview segment for White Coat Black Art on CBC Radio.


Refereed Articles and Book Chapters

Despard, E. (2020). On what a garden can remember. The Jardin du Québec and the Floralies Internationales (Montreal). Intermédialités 35 Autumn 2020.

Despard, E. and Gallagher, M. (2018). Media ecologies of plant invasion. Environmental Humanities 10 (2): 370-96.

Despard, E. (2018). Photogenic Urban Landscapes: Towards an Intermedial Framework for Landscape Criticism in the Age of Social Media. Architecture_MPS 14(1): 4, pp. 1–21.

Despard, E. (2016). A materialist media ecological approach to studying urban media in/of place. In A. Kaun and S. Kubitschko (Eds.) Innovative Methods in Media and Communication Research. Palgrave Macmillan.

Despard, E. (2016). Diagram of a love for plants gone bad. Environment and Planning D: Space and Society 34(2): 337-54.

Despard, E. (2015). Photographic social media, designed landscapes and urban, place-based visibilities: in search of friction. Journal of Aesthetics and Culture 7.

Despard, E. (2012). Natural surveillance: Cultivating feelings of safety in the urban landscape. Space & Culture 15(2): 151-63.

Despard, E. (2011). Writing with the Jardins des Floralies in Montreal: Towards an expanded garden history. Landscape Research 36(6): 669-82.

Despard, E. (2008). Creative weeding and other everyday experiments in the garden. Brock Review 10 (1): 86-96.

Despard, E. (2003). Athletic injury as social suffering: Shaping and situating experience. In N. Stephenson, H.L. Radtke, R.J. Jorna & H.J. Stam (Eds.), Theoretical Psychology: Critical Contributions pp. 201-8. Selected proceedings of the ninth biennial conference of the International Society of Theoretical Psychologists. Toronto: Captus Press.

Edited Collections
Despard, E. and Gagnon, M.K., Eds. (2010). Gardens. Special issue, Public 41.

Despard, E. (2013). The dream of la ville fleurie: A non-linear history and pragmatic criticism of public gardens in Montreal. PhD thesis.
Despard, E. (2002). Career-ending injury in sport: Individual achievement and social suffering. Masters thesis.

Book Reviews
Despard, E. (2010). Book Review: HYBRIDS: Reshaping the contemporary garden at Métis. Canadian Journal of Communication 35 (1): 186-8.

Unpublished reports
Despard, E. and Reynolds, C. (2016). Use of Instagram API data in critical/qualitative studies of place: Summary of preliminary findings

Book manuscripts in preparation
Despard, E. (in preparation). Montréal, la ville fleurie: An archaeology of urban landscape and horticultural media.